Selasa, 10 Maret 2015


Hello, my name's Amilia but you can call me Am for short or whatever you like. Perhaps.

For you who already know me, you might as well know that I have another blog with another name and e-mail. And for the record, I've stopped writing there since, like, years ago. So, don't expect me to show up there anytime soon, or maybe forever.

Because I happened to forget my one and only password. Yeah.

And for you who want me to keep on my work, I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but I won't do any of that thing. Because basically, I made this blog just to fulfill my course in college. Something that sounds familiar to computer. Except it's not the hard ware parts, just the soft ware parts. Or let me enlighten you, the system operations.

I might as well be clueless as the rest of you, but hey, it's my major we are talking about. So whether I like it or not, I have to learn about those things. And, yeah, trying to explain those 'things' to you through this blog.

And a couple days ago, I've tried something really awesome and I would like to share it to you on the next post. You will definitely like it. And when you try it, you will tell others and this blog would be famous as well. Or, it's just me daydreaming.

I just hope that my writings won't confused you as some tutorial in the internet was confusing me as well. Maybe it won't be well written like some experts will do, but I'll try my best not to messed it up.

And I'll give you a hint about the next post: virtual machine.

Be prepared to be surprised by my writings on the next post. Thanks for reading may ramblings, and I'll see you guys on the next post! Bye!

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