Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015

Operating System - Virtual Machine [VirtualBox - Linux Ubuntu (Ijin Akses)]

Pada kesempatan kali ini Saya akan menjelaskan cara untuk membuat izin akses pada linux Ubuntu 14.04. Izin akses yang dimaksud di sini adalah dimana super user mampu menentukan apa-apa saja yang boleh dilakukan oleh guest user pada operating system, dalam hal ini Ubuntu 14.04.

Oke, untuk pengetahuan awal, di dalam folder/file Linux pengguna dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu :
1. User: username orang yg memiliki file (owner)
2. Grup: Grup User (kelompok) yang memiliki hak akses yang sama terhadap File tersebut.
3. Others: Pengguna yang bukan pemilik file (user)  dan  bukan grup.

Hak Akses
Pada File:
1.  Read (R)       : File dapat di buka dan di baca.
2. Write (W)    : File dapat di modifikasi (menambah, mengubah, menghapus, mengubah nama file dalam direktori).
3.  Execute (X)  : Menjalankan file sebagai program mengakses file dalam direktori.

Pada Directori:
1. Read (R)      : Ijin untuk membaca daftar file dalam direktori
2. Write (W)    : Ijin untuk mengubah / membuat file dalam direktori
3. Execute (X) : Ijin untuk mengakses file dalam direktori misalnya : dengan perintah cd.

Nah sekarang bagaimana cara mengubah hak akses folder/file pada Ubuntu? Ada 2 cara yang bisa digunakan untuk mengubah hak akses folder/file, yaitu cara simbolik dan cara numerik. Perintah yang digunakan untuk mengubah file permission adalahchmod. Perintah chmod dapat digunakan untuk menambah, menghapus, atau melakukan modifikasi permission terhadap file atau directory.

Cara Simbolik:
Perintah : chmod [jenispengguna] ± [izinhakakses] [namafolder/file]

Jenis pengguna:
u  :  user
g  :  group
o  : others
a  : semua user

Izin hak akses:
r  : read permission
w : write permission
x  : execute permission
Contoh : chmod o+r contohfile, artinya menambahkan ijin akses read pada others terhadap file “contohfile”.

Berikut langkah-langkah menggunakan cara simbolik:
1. Buka terminal dengan menekan Ctrl + Alt + T. Ketikkan sudo su, dan masukkan password.

2. Kemudian untuk melihat folder yang ada di Home ketikkan ls -l. Username yang digunakan di sini adalah amilia.

3. Hak akses dari folder latihan akan diubahPerintah yang digunakan adalah chmod a+rw latihan , yaitu untuk menambah akses read dan write folder latihan untuk semua user. Dan juga menggunakan perintah chmod o+r latihan, yaitu menambah akses read untuk others.

4. Saat di cek pada permission, terbukti bahwa owner dan group dapat ‘create and delete files’ sedangkan others hanya dapat ‘access files’.

5. Kemudian coba merubah hak akses lagi dengan menggunakan perintah chmod a-w latihan, yaitu untuk menghilangkan akses write untuk semua user.

6. Saat di cek pada permission, terbukti bahwa hak akses owner, group dan others sama yaitu hanya dapat ‘access files’.

7. Terakhir coba merubah lagi dengan perintah chmod u+w latihan, yaitu untuk menambah hak akses write pada user. Dan perintah chmod o-r latihan, yaitu untuk menghilangkan akses read untuk others.

8. Saat di cek pada permission, terbukti bahwa owner dapat ‘create dan delete files’, kemudian group hanya dapat ‘access files’ dan others tidak dapat mengakses sama sekali.

9. Sehingga saat dicoba login dengan user indah, maka dia tidak dapat mengakses file.

Cara Numerik
Perintah : chmod [angkauntukuser][angkauntukgrup][angkauntukothers] [namafolder/file]
Angka :
4= read (r)
2= write (w)
1= execute (x)
0= tidak ada izin (-)
Jika ingin mendapatkan hak akses diinginkan, tinggal menjumlahkan angka yang sesuai.
Contoh: chmod 755 contohfile , artinya hak akses untuk User adalah 7 (rwx), untuk grup adalah 5 (rx), dan untuk others  juga 5 (rx).

Berikut langkah-langkah menggunakan Cara Numerik:
1. Ketikkan perintah chmod 777 latihan , artinya hak akses untuk User adalah 7 (rwx), untuk grup adalah 7 (rwx), dan untuk others  juga 7 (rwx).

2. Maka saat dicek pada permission, hak akses owner, group dan others sama, yaitu dapat ’create and delete files’.

Sekian post saya kali ini. Semoga bermanfaat, maaf jika ada kesalahan penulisan, penjelasan baik yang disengaja maupun tidak. Terimakasih sudah berkunjung! Tinggalkan jejak, ya :)

Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

Looking for an Internship in Telecommuncation Company


So, I've been busy lately because of this thing... Internship.

What? Internship? I thought you hadn't graduate yet?!

Yes. Yes. And yes. I'm still in college so, no need to freak out.

Okay, so, for you, yes, you, who haven't know yet, let me tell you something. My name's Amilia Purnama and at the moment, I'm a college student at State Polytechnic of Semarang, currently in the 4th semester of Telecommunication Engineering.

Fiuh. That's answer a lot of questions that was haunting all of you why all of the sudden am I posting things about operating system and blah-- yeah.

And it was my Institution Program that make it a must for  every single one of student in this major to take an internship at a telecommuncation company for at least 4 months 'till 6 months long.


We have to start the internship in August. And it is now already May. Have no idea on where should I go to be an intern. Juny is Ramadhan. And we have to take the end test in July.

And I still don't have a place to do the internship.

Nah, now, go ahead. You're more than free to be freak out right now.

Have you ever feel this way when you're sitting alone in the edge of your bed, thinking everything that has been going on your life lately, and you were like-- "it is the right time to give up" and then you just lay down there and staring at your wall and keep thinking "life is not fair. They want me to giving up on everything. Like, every single thing. So, why am I even trying, fighting in the very first place? If in the end I have to force my self to stop?"

Yeah, buddy.
I have already felt those things above. You are not alone in this unfair world.

But, aside from my whining about life and my task in college, I want to help you guys out when you have to face the same exact thing that has been going on to me: looking for a telecommuncation company to take an internship.

There's more than a lot of companies in Indonesia, and from those, some are working in the telecommunication section.

Here is some list of the company that I know of:

1. Datacomm
If you could pass the interview and the psychology test in this company, you could be more than proud to yourself. No need to worry about the money to make a living, no need to worry about the place to live if you're from another city. The company handles all of that--excuse my french-- shitty things. Not applying here.

2. Ipaymu (I don't know how to write this, because like you, I've just heard about this company awhile ago)
You're in telecommunication major but you have an interest in linux? PHP? My SQL? HTML? everything that sounds 'IT'S'? If so, you HAVE TO apply here. You will work in Bali. No need to worry about the money, and also, the place to live. HELL YEAH! But no, just like Datacomm, I'm not applying in here.

3. BKU
BUMN. You just have to send your cv and applications here, if they still have a free space for a newcomer, you don't have to pass any test and just prepare to work--or more like, prepare to monitoring for 6months. Boring. But you don't have to worry about a olace to live. Also, not applying here.

4. Pegascomm
BUMN. Prepare your cv and your application, give it to your KAPRODI, look if you're welcomed to apply here or not. If yes, prepare the money for looking the place to live, but if you're smart enough, you will be given a project and get money from it. But if you aren't, well, too bad. Also, not applying here.

5. Indosat
What an honor to have a job here, even it's just as an intern. Indosat is like the biggest selluler company here. And, only for those hard-worker can make it here. No place to live. Also, not applying here.

You will 'nguli' here. Work hard, every single day. If you're one of those 'mama-boy' or 'girly-girl' who afraid of being tanned, don't even think about applying here. Don't. Uh uh. The money comes easily. Whuw. Too bad I can't apply here. It's already full at this moment.

7. Huawei
Big vendor. Proud to be part of this company. Not much to do here, no money, no place. No one. Nothing. Also, not applying here.

Work hard, learn everyday. You will be the real engineer here. But, no money and no place. And yeah, also not applying here.

9. Icon+
Part of PT. PLN Persero. If you want to be an intern here, apply in January, book first before others. Because in time like this, you can't make an aplication. Also, not applying here.

10. Metro TV
Every body loves broadcasting! Even me! And the money comes easily. But. Not much to when you're not in broadcasting major and networking major instead. Scan papers, do the photo-copy, and some stupid things. Uh uh, not applying here.

11. Transistel Indonesia
Contractor. Know nothing about this. And also, not applying here.

12. Lintas Artha
Sub contractor. Know nothing about this. And also, not applying here.

13. Sistellindo
Know nothing about this. And also, not applying here.

14. PSN
Satellite. They give money for intern. But not applying here.

15. Satkomindo
ISP. Not really know, but, yeah I'm applying here.

16. Et cetera
If you are looking for a telecommunication company to be an intern, look for the contractor or sub-contractor. Most of them are opening the internship or student program.

It's late and I'm sleepy. Wish us luck for looking a company to be an intern. Want to have a chit chat with me? Ask questions? Yeah, I'm available for you to reach here:

Enough ramble for today, have a nice night fellas! :)

And also, thankyou for make a stop here :D